Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why 4:30am, Why?

     Well that is a time of day I definitely would prefer not to see more often.  I think that the whole world should be sleeping at 4:30am in happy unison, although I will say I did get to see a gorgeous view of sleepy Cincinnati with the moon still out that I do not think I will ever see again.
     Today, we started out menu cycle planning at Wesley Community Services which provides a meals on wheels service in the Cincinnati area.  We will be planning a 28 day menu cycle for fall and winter within a group of seven.  I feel that we got a lot accomplished today with a lot of sticky notes (I think we are going to put post-it notes stock through the roof so everyone should invest now)! Our group is meshing extremely well and we have the starches and entrees out of the way, but still SO much to do before next Thursday!
       At Wesley today, we also got a chance to meet with their head production manager, Stacy, who showed us around the facility and we were able to see the production line which was very interesting.  The facility was very nice and large; plenty of space for production of food for the Meals on Wheels and after talking with the workers, I see how meaningful and important Meals on Wheels is to not only the recipients of the meals, but also those who produce and deliver the foods.  The program seems very well staffed and ran and hopefully Wesley can expand to reach more disable and elderly adults in order to assist those who cannot provide themselves with adequate nutrition at home.
      I also found out over the weekend where my placement is for my first acute care, clinical rotation starting in September: St. Elizabeth's in Northern Kentucky! I am extremely excited about this not because of the proximity of the location, but also because of the focus of bariactrics and the reputation of St. E's. I feel like this will be a great place to start out and that I will be able to meet other successful, educated dietitians who I can learn from.
      Soo much to do today, tonight, this week, so I need to get going! I also need to see Rebecca tonight because she is leaving me to go to New York this week =(. I will miss you soo much girl! This summer has been so much fun; I hope you have a blast!

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